Event Series Meeting of the Minds

Meeting of the Minds

Online Meeting

The MnPALS consortium meetings are open to anyone who is interested in connecting with colleagues around a variety of topics. They are held virtually on the second Wednesday of each month (except January) at 2 pm. If you have ideas for topics, please contact Johnna Horton: johnna.horton@mnsu.edu Topics for the year: September: Print Reference Collections...

IPEDS Drop-in Session

Are you interested in asking your colleagues questions about how they are interpreting things as far as the data we are collecting and submitting by 4/3/24? Or maybe you are done with that for this year and want to chat about the sneak peek we did last November on Library Staffing and Budget in Minnesota...

ILL Community of Interest

MnPALS library staff interested in sharing tips and information on how to use Alma interlibrary loan. Topic: End of Academic Year ILL To-do's Facilitator: Netanya Roden, Concordia University, St. Paul Meeting link:  ILL Community of Interest Must log in to the Support Center for the meeting URL and Passcode Future ILL COI April 22 Topic:...

Acquisitions COI – Canceled

Join the Acquisitions COI for its first meeting. For connection information, visit https://palssupport.zohodesk.com/portal/en/kb/articles/acquisitions-community-of-interest.