E-Resources Community of Interest
Online MeetingThe E-Resources Community of Interest meets on the fourth Monday of the month at 1:00 pm. Information/agendas/Zoom link (Must be logged in to access)
The E-Resources Community of Interest meets on the fourth Monday of the month at 1:00 pm. Information/agendas/Zoom link (Must be logged in to access)
MnPALS library staff interested in sharing tips and information on how to use Alma interlibrary loan. Topic: TBD Facilitator: Barb Bergman, Minnesota State University, Mankato Meeting link: ILL Community of...
The Board meets monthly in Zoom: https://minnstate.zoom.us/j/95795937308?pwd=QjA0OXhzc3Rqc3hzT1Y3OHNXSUQ2dz09 Taking into consideration staffing, budgets, types of patrons served, student population, and geographic location, the Board will represent the MnPALS membership to: Establish...
The MnPALS Web/Discovery Community of Interest Group meets monthly to discuss Web issues and Primo VE configuration, troubleshooting, and release notes. Join us to collaborate with your colleagues, discuss web-...