OER Librarian Community of Practice

Online Meeting

OER Librarian Community of Practice on November 2 at 3 pm Register here: https://asanewsletter.org/event/oer-librarians-community-of-practice/ The first meeting will focus on discussion with colleagues about how to support no-cost classes with library resources.

Discovery Community of Interest

Online Meeting

Zoom Link for Meetings can be found in the Discovery COI Answerbook Page Meeting Details Topic: Our main topic of discussion will be a Primo Ranking and Boosting Show & Tell. If your institution has done anything other than the default settings for these, we'd love to hear the whats and whys. We've set up a...

Event Series Discovery Community of Interest

Discovery Community of Interest

Online Meeting

Zoom Link: https://minnstate.zoom.us/j/96869983366 Meeting ID: 968 6998 3366 Passcode: disco Meeting Details *  Topic: Summer Discovery Projects            * What projects and/or tweaks have you been working on over the summer?            * Any Discovery goals for the upcoming year? Meeting Agenda:  August Primo VE Release Notes Main Discussion: Summer Discovery Projects Open Forum: What's going on at your...

Circulation Community of Interest Meeting

MN, United States

Circulation Community of Interest Discussion Topic: TBD . For session details review the Circ COI Schedule located on the Circ COI Page found at the following url (login required):  https://palssupport.zohodesk.com/portal/en/kb/articles/circulation-community-of-interest Please submit any questions or topic ideas using the Circulation COI submission form located at the url: https://forms.office.com/r/QqebWmBLeu   We look forward to seeing you...

User Fees Q&A

MN, United States

An optional opportunity to walk through the user fees statements that you have received recently and ask any questions about the formula. Specific questions should be directed to Gretchen Cords (gretchen.cords@mnsu.edu). Intended for leaders at MnPALS libraries who deal with finances, or their delegates. The meeting invitation with the connection information will be sent with...