OER Librarian Community of Practice

Online Meeting

OER Librarian Community of Practice January 23, 2025, 3-4 pm https://minnstate.zoom.us/j/98864825979 Discuss with librarian colleagues various technologies like Pressbooks, H5P, Perusall, Hypothesis, MyOpenMath, and others that can be a part of creating or using open resources. In addition, we will share concerns and best practices about OER and affordable content.  

ILL Community of Interest

Topic: ILL Duties, Responsibilities at your library Meeting URL and passcode are on the ILL Community of Interest page Support Center login required.

Event Series Circulation Community of Interest

Circulation Community of Interest

MnPALS Circulation Community of Interest (COI) group is an informal group talking about topics related to Circulation and Fulfillment. Join us for the discussion, we meet every other month on the second Thursday from 10 - 11 am. Open to all September: Meet & Greet - get to know your counterparts from the MnPALS consortia...

Digital Collections Community of Interest

Online Meeting

The Digital Collections COI is a place for people to talk about anything and everything related to the life cycle of digital records and the platforms we use to manage them. Are you just starting out with an institutional repository or digitizing your first collection? Do you have concerns about preserving digital files and wonder...

MnPALS Consortium Board 2024-2025

The Board meets monthly in Zoom: https://minnstate.zoom.us/j/95795937308?pwd=QjA0OXhzc3Rqc3hzT1Y3OHNXSUQ2dz09 Taking into consideration staffing, budgets, types of patrons served, student population, and geographic location, the Board will represent the MnPALS membership to: Establish and advance the mission, vision and strategic priorities of MnPALS Provide input and recommendations to the PALS office Approve and review the formation and charges...